Friday, January 30, 2009

Contest Results!

Kristen and Brook, you are the winners!

I'll let Kristen have first pick of the two colors since she was the first winner chosen.

Girls, email me at barelytogether at yahoo dot com with your mailing address please!


Pin It!


Smoochiefrog said...

Congrats y'all! Enjoy your new polish!

Brooke said...

Oh my goodness! This is the second contest I won! I can't believe this, I love nail polish - especially free nail polish. Thanks so much :) Big hugs from me

Anonymous said...

Wow. I've NEVER won before. I've had a horrid day and seeing my name there almost brought tears to my eyes, all over nail polish! I really needed some. I don't know when the last time I bought some was. Thanks so much!