Tuesday, May 14, 2013

NOTD: Darling Diva Polish Channeling Coco

Darling Diva Polish Channeling Coco
Darling Diva Polish is one of the few indie sellers I have purchased from, and I love all three that I bought. The above swatch is three coats of Channeling Coco by itself, and I LOVE it. 
Channeling Coco is a sheer pink base with small black hex glitters and larger darker pink hex glitters. The sheerness of the base gives the finish a pretty "sandwich" look. With each coat I got a bit more glitter and I love layered look I got. I used NYC GCS as my topcoat and got an almost perfectly smooth surface.

I'm sad to say that it looks like their Etsy shop is closed right now. However, Channeling Coco is available at www.llarowe.com, although I have not purchased from there myself.

Nothing to disclose- I purchased Channeling Coco myself.

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