Friday, July 27, 2012

nails inc.: Special Effects and Nail Jewelry

1 coat of nails inc. Kings Cross (from the Special Effects Neon Top Crackle Top Coat line)
over 2 coats of nails inc. Floral Street

Although these are sold separately, the instructions on the crackle effect polish Kings Cross says to apply it over Floral Street, so that's exactly what I did. Floral Street needed two coats for complete coverage, and was sort of thick. Kings Cross was probably the easiest crackle polish I have ever worked it! It was so thin, it was easy to work it and crackled super-fast. It dried somewhat matte, so I applied a coat of topcoat before I took this pic.

 Next, I wanted to re-swatch Royal Arcade from the Nail Jewelry line. When I first swatched it a few weeks ago, I did it by itself and I really liked the coverage I got in two coats.

nails inc. Royal Arcade (Sapphire Nail Jewelry) from the Nail Jewelry line
2 coats

But I had seen several other bloggers swatch it over black, so I thought I'd give that a try.
1 coat of nails inc. Royal Arcade (Sapphire Nail Jewelry) from the Nail Jewelry line
over 1 coat of nails inc. Black Taxi

How pretty is that? I love that you can get two different looks from this Nail Jewelry polish, and I especially like that it has that much glitter in just one coat.

Disclosure: All four shades featured in this post were provided to me for review purposes.

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1 comment:

sprinkles said...

I'm not a fan of orange, but I really like that crackle effect! Very cool