Cirque Never Nude
So so so pretty. Holo goodness. And I am in love with the name and hoping it's an Arrested Development reference... it has to be right? What else could it be?
Brand/Name: Cirque Never Nude
Number of coats in pic/topcoat?: 2 coats color topped with 1 of NYC Grand Central Station
Price: $16
Purchased from:
Collection: Never Nude is part of the Dark Horse collection. Most shades retail for $12, but the two holographic shades are $16.
Brand/Name: Cirque Never Nude
Number of coats in pic/topcoat?: 2 coats color topped with 1 of NYC Grand Central Station
Price: $16
Purchased from:
Collection: Never Nude is part of the Dark Horse collection. Most shades retail for $12, but the two holographic shades are $16.
So prettty!
Love it (and the name)!
P.S. Forgive me if I've already asked you--any chance you'd consider turning off word verification for comments? It makes my eyes go all wonky.
Hi Karen! I will be glad turn it off, but I find that pretty soon after I do I start getting hit with hundreds of spam comments a day. Cross your fingers for me this time that I don't! Do you get spam comments like that? Any suggestions other than word veri?
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