Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NOTD: Orly Foil FX Luxe

Orly Foil FX Luxe

The weather is totally not cooperating here! No outside shots..... This is a bathroom shot so I'm afraid it's not terribly accurate. As with Foil FX Rage, you can see a more accurate shot at All Lacquered Up.

I must say, though, that these are beautiful and bling-y. The gold is almost too bling-y for me, reminiscent of Sephora by OPI Worth My Weight. But application is great and this was almost perfect in one coat but I added another for good measure.

The Foil FX shades wear really well, too. For some reason, tip wear is almost unnoticeable. After 3 days or so, it's there if you look really closely, but so hard to see.

Disclosure: Orly provided this polish to me for review purposes.

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sprinkles said...

Great color!

I don't think I ever just do one coat unless I do use a clear polish. I love that you can with the color and that tip wear is almost non-existant.

polishedprude said...

I have very few Orly polishes and I definitely have plans of adding this one to that very slim bunch. I'm a sucker for foils and metallics.